[SOLVED] Debian Squeeze and ntp offset


I setup a new linode with Debian Squeeze and my ntp is giving me this:

~~![](<URL url=)http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm12 … et-day.png">http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm128/nunofneves/ntp_offset-day.png" />

The time zone and date is right, so I don't know why munin is showing this.


9 Replies

What would you rather Munin show you? Your server is about 45 ms from your preferred reference time source and your local clock's offset from reference time is less than 50 microseconds. You could reduce the delay by picking NTP servers that are closer to your location. Otherwise, none of these values are unexpected or odd.



I setup a new linode with Debian Squeeze and my ntp is giving me this:

~~![](<URL url=)http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm12 … et-day.png">http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm128/nunofneves/ntp_offset-day.png" />

The time zone and date is right, so I don't know why munin is showing this.

Thanks The listed offset at currently 142 microseconds does not sound like a problem…?~~

Sorry .. I mean Delay :(

This the graphic before changing to Debian Squezze:

~~![](<URL url=)http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm12 … t-week.png">http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm128/nunofneves/ntp_offset-week.png" />

I'm in London.~~

Did your NTP server set in ntp.conf change as part of the upgrade? That's the most likely cause. Delay is almost entirely a function of how far away the "upstream" NTP servers are.


Just make confusion with the graphic legend :(

I'm now using uk.pool.ntp.org and europe.pool.ntp.org and the delay drooped as expected :)

Sorry about this.


You might want to switch back. According to your graphs, your clock was far more accurate on the default Debian servers.

The delay (latency between you and time server) irrelevant. It could be 1000ms without being a problem. All that really matters is the offset (how close your clock is to the time server).

"far more accurate"? It was like 2 ms. Who cares?*

  • I care, but I know I'm being silly.

Edit: OK, 5 ms, with a total range of 9 ms. But still.


The delay (latency between you and time server) irrelevant. It could be 1000ms without being a problem. All that really matters is the offset (how close your clock is to the time server).

Exactly, that's the whole point of the NTP protocol, to account for the latency between you and the time server so that it doesn't have to be close by.

I've changed to Ubuntu's ntp server and the delay is now stable.


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