getting redis server output when trying to log in with LISH

I am trying to log in via LISH because like an idiot I disabled my ssh remote access. When I log in I get redis server output.

2234] 21 Apr 16:28:11 - 0 clients connected (0 slaves), 547448 bytes in use

[2234] 21 Apr 16:28:16 - 0 clients connected (0 slaves), 547448 bytes in use

[2234] 21 Apr 16:28:21 - 0 clients connected (0 slaves), 547448 bytes in use

[2234] 21 Apr 16:28:26 - 0 clients connected (0 slaves), 547448 bytes in use

[2234] 21 Apr 16:28:31 - 0 clients connected (0 slaves), 547448 bytes in use

Can anyone tell me how I can terminate this process so I can get into my server. Right now I am not able to do anything due to this output.

6 Replies

It sounds like you might have installed redis such that it isn't detaching from the console (like a daemon should) when you start it. Try hitting ctrl-c to see if that coerces it into stopping.

yeah tried that ctrl c does not work.

ps aux | grep redis

Grab the pid

kill [pid]

How did you install redis?


ps aux | grep redis

Grab the pid

kill [pid]
How can he do this when the whole problem is he cant do anything due to redis having control of the console? Correct me if I'm wrong but if he could issue commands, there wouldn't be a problem here.

Can you run ps and kill from lish?

Maybe I don't understand how lish works and I suppose I could go try it out but I didn't really plan on playing with it unless I actually need to.


Can you run ps and kill from lish?

not if the console is locked up. Something with sysrq might do it, looks like k would kill what's running on the console.



ps aux | grep redis

Grab the pid

kill [pid]
How can he do this when the whole problem is he cant do anything due to redis having control of the console? Correct me if I'm wrong but if he could issue commands, there wouldn't be a problem here.

Can you run ps and kill from lish?

Maybe I don't understand how lish works and I suppose I could go try it out but I didn't really plan on playing with it unless I actually need to.

Ah whoops didn't read the post properly, in that case then it's possible that the redis output is just covering the login shell so pressing enter a few times can make it appear, otherwise the problem is the login shell isn't appearing and that's a broken console setup.


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