Reverse DNS

Hi there

I am new to Linode (signed up the other day). I have been following the getting started guide and have made it all the way to this point without issue… :-)

When I am in this section (Reverse DNS) and I enter my hostname (, I am presented with the message "No match was found for ''. Reverse DNS must have a matching forward entry that points to one of your IPs". I have only just, in the last hour, setup the DNS settings so I am not sure if it is the fact I am being too keen?

Could someone give me some advice on this? I admit to being a little lost in this area.

As some background, my website is already being hosted by another company, and I want to transfer it over to this hosting solution (much, much better).


4 Replies resolves to that's not a Linode IP.

Set the rdns once you've migrated your site to Linode.

Thank you for that.

Sorry for the stupid question, but how do I go about this? Is it something that is driven by the other web hosting company?

Also, has my adding a domain zone on linode going to cause problems resolving the website (

Sorry, not very experienced in this area.

You can set rDNS by doing the following:

Go into the Linode Manager - Click the Linode - Remote Access - Look at the Public IP's Section - Click 'Reverse DNS'

You should be presented with a section to enter your hostname.


Thank you for that.

Sorry for the stupid question, but how do I go about this? Is it something that is driven by the other web hosting company?

Also, has my adding a domain zone on linode going to cause problems resolving the website (

Sorry, not very experienced in this area.

It sounds like you are trying to use the same domain for two different services or servers. You will not be able to use a Linode IP for the web site unless your are moving the domain (and web site) to your Linode.

You can't split services just by giving the Linode a DNS record. If you're wanting to migrate from the existing provider to a Linode, you can do that. But you won't be able to configure the reverse DNS until you move the forward DNS lookup for the domain name over to Linode.


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