Advice for building a dev / production server pair


I'm interested in building two Linodes with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. One for dev, one for production (LAMP, Wordpress).

I'm guessing I could get there by building/configuring the dev Linode first, then to build the production Linode, somehow copy the dev Linode's image onto a second Linode, adjust that Linode's Virtual Host (and whatever else I'm forgetting that should change) and done.

Am I in the ballpark? Anybody 1) know what the steps with the imaging would be and 2) have any suggestions concerning the process?



2 Replies

Once you have your dev server running and you are happy with it, you can clone it (one of the tabs above the dashboard).

I would take a look at a configuration management system if you're starting to think about stuff like this. Puppet is what I use, but there are plenty of other options.


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