Just Gernal help

Well i am just asking this to clearify some apache stuff

For the domain and subdomains i would do a type A dns entry to my linode ip for this lets say (just example)

i want to point

tuxtech.us to /var/www/htdoc

forums.tuxtech.us to /var/www/htdoc/

java.tuxtech.us to /home/ircd/public_html/java

hub.ca.us.tuxtech.us /home/ircd/public_html

same ip as above

gileada.net to /home/gileada/public_html

forums.gileada.net /home/gileada/public_html/forums/

java.gileada.net /home/ircd/public_html/java/

hub.ca.us.gileada.net /home/ircd/public_html/

etc prob 2 more domains but i can use the examples from above.


1 Reply

You need to set-up vhosts in the httpd.conf file.

Details can be found in the apache docs or search goggle.



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