clicking a link from the community page issue

Regarding the links on this page:

If I click one (on Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop with Chrome or Firefox latest each) the page comes up but it is always at the bottom of the page every time?

If I use the forums page and say General Discussion and click the link for the same topic, it starts at the top of the page.

Edit: If I remove the #nnnnn from the end of the links on the community page and paste it into the browser the page comes up at the top correctly.

4 Replies

The #p is the post ID. The sidebar there shows the latest posts. It links to the posts in the thread, not the threads themselfs. Since the latest post will be at the bottom it'll load the bottom as well.

When you remove the #p it goes to the thread in general, and not the specific post in that thread.


The #p is the post ID. The sidebar there shows the latest posts. It links to the posts in the thread, not the threads themselfs. Since the latest post will be at the bottom it'll load the bottom as well.

When you remove the #p it goes to the thread in general, and not the specific post in that thread.

Yes agree it's different now since the forums were upgraded. I don't like the way it works now. It should operate exactly the same way it always did which is how it works when you click a link for a topic in the forums. I can't recall the history of the discussion and do not want to jump to the end, I probably haven't seen the last few comments anyway and so going to that page starting at the top is how it used to work and how it should work now so I can review the context of those last few comments.


…I don't like the way it works now. It should operate exactly the same way it always did…
Simmer down Grandpa, it's called progress.

Just bookmark the FORUM page like everyone else does (instead of the COMMUNITY page), then you can see the FORUM like GOD & COUNTRY intended.

Those darn whippersnappers changing things!


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