Using Ubuntu 10.04 now... is 12.04 stable enough to switch?

I'm going to be doing a massive upgrade to the forum software and other things for my website soon.

In the process of doing that, since I'm going to be setting up a new Linode anyway, I was thinking about moving over to 12.04 LTS.

In 'the crowd's' opinion…. is it stable enough to switch now, or should I hold off for another month or two?

10 Replies

If you're not feeling exceptionally brave, wait for 12.04.1 to come out around August 23rd.

I upgraded to 12.04 and I haven't had any major issues. I was feeling brave I guess. I have LAMP up and running with no problems.

The standard LAMP components have barely changed the past few Ubuntu releases, pretty much every component has stayed on the same upstream feature-version and has had no major packaging changes either. However with an unstable kernel, stable components wont help. Ubuntu 12.04 did base theirs off one of the better upstream releases in a while though - 3.2. At work I've been running 12.04 on a dozen servers, vm's and containers since RC, and had no major issues crop up so far. Some of them running fairly busy data warehousing on Oracle 11g2*

I'd say for a LAMP type setup, the risk of stability issues is fairly low in 12.04.

  • That however is quite risky, support wise. But it does work ;-)

If you want stable, use a ENTERPRISE CLASS distro like CENTOS 6.2 (soon to be 6.3).


If you want stable, use a ENTERPRISE CLASS distro like CENTOS 6.2 (soon to be 6.3).
Ha. Ha. Ha.

I think you meant RHEL, not CentOS. See, there are 200+ errata on the RHN for RHEL 6.2 since Jun 19th (last CentOS update), a dozen or two of those are RHSA, the others are RHBA. Meaning at this point only SELinux and luck keep our servers safe.


If you want stable, use a ENTERPRISE CLASS distro like CENTOS 6.2 (soon to be 6.3).

Let the flame wars begin! :roll:


If you want stable, use a ENTERPRISE CLASS distro like CENTOS 6.2 (soon to be 6.3).

Until the RPM database decides to go haywire then go back to the real Linux, Ubuntu.


If you want stable, use a ENTERPRISE CLASS distro like CENTOS 6.2 (soon to be 6.3).

What?? You mean I can't use AmigaOS anymore?


the real Linux, Ubuntu.

That joke isn't really very funny.

@The Other Air Force:

I upgraded to 12.04 and I haven't had any major issues.

Same here.



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