Does this forum send email notifications?

Does this forum send email notifications when a new post is made to a subscribed topic? I am not getting any. I have emailed "Notify me upon replies by default:" in my Board preferences, and under my post the box "Notify me when a reply is posted" is checked. I cannot find any other reference to this in settings. I double checked my email. But I get no notification.


P.S. Dont you hate it when forums by default do NOT subscribe you to forums you posted in? Had to enable this in settings.

18 Replies


P.S. Dont you hate it when forums by default do NOT subscribe you to forums you posted in? Had to enable this in settings.

No; I subscribe via RSS, and prefer to not get a lot of mail. So, I'm OK with the default.

Yes but you can turn it off if you dont want email. I find it quote bad I cant turn it on even! Have to keep checking back to my own posts, and I would not want RSS of all posts, nor individual topics I subscribe to. I dont check my RSS often anyway, too busy!

It sends email notifications when I subscribe, check your spam.

So it does do it then… Yeah have checked my spam, nothing. I use Gmail for all my mail, noting in there. Strange.

I use gmail too, try poking linode support.

they recommend I try a different email, hence me posting this. I wonder if I get a notification of my own post. :?:

Sorry if this is going to annoy anyone but this is me, I want to see if I get an email

Uh oh.. me neither! Thats 3 different emails, a Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail. Something must be up.

Linode responded with this
> I contacted our system administrators about this issue and they have indicated that our forums are correctly sending emails at this time. I would recommend reviewing your mail filters again and placing emails from on your whitelist.

So this is completely bizarre why 3 of my email accounts would not receive email notifications. Am I missing an obvious setting somewhere in my profile settings!?

I just subscribed try posting I'll see if I get it I know I've had emails come through from the forum before

Well I just got spammed I think something got fixed.


Well I just got spammed I think something got fixed.

Found something that was gumming up the works when it came to e-mail notifications. I addressed it (when the large number of emails rolled in), and it shouldn't be an issue moving forward. As it should have been, you'll now receive your e-mails in a timely fashion.

Sorry about that! :D


You might need to be patient!

No joke, I just got a forum reply notification for a post…last activity was a month ago. Not sure what happened there, but it just suddenly appeared in my inbox today.

So, wait a month, let us know if you've got one by then :D

EDIT: I can't read all the way to the bottom of a thread apparently, please disregard my attempt at witty humor :) :roll:

Support replied and said they fixed it and I had all my previous notifications too, so YAY! Its working for me now. I did wonder if if it happened to everyone else and all of a sudden everyone will get loads of notifications!


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