I want to hire a sysadmin!


I have 5 WordPress sites that get around 200,000 visits a month. But I really care about speed. I want the sites to load as fast as Facebook.com, if possible. I need someone to help me setup Linodes that deliver on this and then sign me up for ongoing optimization and management contract.

If you can do that, please email me at msafi@msafi.com with a proposal that includes the cost of the cluster (or the single Linode, if you think that's better) and your monthly rate.

Thanks a lot,


14 Replies

Coincidentally, I just wrote this same thing in another thread, so let me reword that to avoid looking like spam… vpsbuddy is often suggested around here, but I've no experience with them, but have also never seen anybody come back to complain about them. If nobody contacts you about them, might be something to consider.


Coincidentally, I just wrote this same thing in another thread, so let me reword that to avoid looking like spam… vpsbuddy is often suggested around here, but I've no experience with them, but have also never seen anybody come back to complain about them. If nobody contacts you about them, might be something to consider.

I actually saw the VPSBuddy recommendation before posting this, and I contacted Mario from VPSBuddy. He seems like the kind of person I like to work with—very responsive and knowledgeable and intelligent. But he wasn't very excited about Linode.com and he's now on a vacation for two weeks.

I'm hoping to find someone who's very familiar with Linode.com platform and who can help me setup a high performance cluster for WordPress, and so far I have received ZERO responses for this post… :shock:


But he wasn't very excited about Linode.com
As a sysadmin for hire he should be very VPS agnostic unless he is trying to push you somewhere where he gets a larger kickback. Your choice of virtualized hardware should not matter to him. Weird.

The intersection of people who know how to design and manage a cluster, are able to coerce WordPress into working with it, and happen to be reading this forum is probably very small. You might have better luck in a WordPress-oriented forum, as that's going to be the major constraint. Linux is Linux.


As a sysadmin for hire he should be very VPS agnostic…
Okay, then it probably was just a skewed impression that I got. He did try to push me towards 6sync.com, but he was very straightforward about it, since it is his hosting company.


The intersection of people who know how to design and manage a cluster, are able to coerce WordPress into working with it, and happen to be reading this forum is probably very small. You might have better luck in a WordPress-oriented forum, as that's going to be the major constraint. Linux is Linux.
That's a very good point. I'll try a WordPress forum. But doesn't the way you build a Linode cluster require knowledge and familiarity with Linode.com?

Then again, "Wordpress" and "high performance" are two phrases that should never appear together….


But doesn't the way you build a Linode cluster require knowledge and familiarity with Linode.com?
Actually, not as much as you think. The job you need done is going to require predominantly WordPress knowledge, as well as a solid understanding of web server scaling. Doing all this on Linode is not that much different from doing it on a different provider. To use a car analogy, Linode may be the Rolls-Royce of VPS hosting, but it still has the steering wheel, gear shift, and pedals like any other car. Anyone you'd want to hire would be able to easily pick up the Linode-specific knowledge. Good luck with your search.


That's a very good point. I'll try a WordPress forum. But doesn't the way you build a Linode cluster require knowledge and familiarity with Linode.com?


For my current "big" "cluster", the provider-specific portions are about 10 lines in the script used to instantiate new instances. Everything else is generalized. (Thanks, libcloud!)


I have 5 WordPress sites that get around 200,000 visits a month. But I really care about speed. I want the sites to load as fast as Facebook.com, if possible. Gosh, I hope you are able to achieve better performance than that. Facebook is an awfully slow experience for me in terms of how it fetches additional content.

In the past, I've used Scriptlance (since acquired by Freelancer.com) to hire people for some VPS admin work. People with a track record of good reviews are pretty reliable to do a good job.

We offer VPS managment and optimization of Wordpress installs. I will also contact you directly.

Actually, we heavily depend on Puppet for the configuration management. We manage about 140+ instances on various clouds for our customers' environments, mostly Apache/Nginx/PHP/ruby/MySQL/MongoDB stacks. About 74 of them are Linode instances.

We offer fully managed hosting on Linode with automated offsite backups, extensive monitoring and a full proactive management and service.

Our English site is in the works, but we already work with customers all over the world.

Feel free to contact me if your interested!


Frederik Denkens

Managed cloud hosting


Nginx + WP Super Cache = should do the trick

May I enquire… what ballpark figures might one typically expect to see for "a proposal that includes the cost of the cluster (or the single Linode, if you think that's better) and your monthly rate."

@JohnR: if you are asking me: it really depends on the number of instances and the chosen SLA, but we start at 100 EUR/month.


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