Set up email to be used on email client

Hi Everyone,

I am in the process of trying to set up emails on my server. I have successfully followed the 'Email with Postfix, Dovedot and MySQL on Ubuntu 10.04' ( … 0.04-lucid">

Being new to having my own server and relatively new to linux, I took my time with walking through the documentation trying my best to understand each step as best i could.

Naively, i thought that once i had finished the walk through i would be able to use my mail client Apple-Mail or Microsoft-Outlook for example. However this did not work.

I also noticed that there was nothing in the documentation about filtering spam and viruses.

I would like to set up my email so i can use a mail client and also so its safe from spam, viruses and malicious users. Please could someone point me in the right direction?



3 Replies

I think my problem with setting up my email on an email client has something to do with my MX Records.

When i go to and search my website i get an error on the mail server section. The error is 'There was a problem while talking with the mail server. Got 'ConnectException: Connection refused'

I have done everything explained in the guide in the docs. Does someone know where im going wrong?



If you would provide the domain name we can help diagnose things, but for now I'll take a wild guess that your firewall is blocking port 25.

Ubuntu provides some documentation on setting up content scanning. Before taking the trouble to install these, I would first recommend some configuration tweaks to Postfix to reject spam. A server I administer uses these (actually, we don't use checksenderaccess or rejectrblclient from that page) and we don't even bother with content scanning. Greylisting is the single most effective measure we use to avoid accepting spam. It does have a downside in that some incoming mail will be delayed.


If you would provide the domain name we can help diagnose things, but for now I'll take a wild guess that your firewall is blocking port 25.

Ubuntu provides some documentation on setting up content scanning. Before taking the trouble to install these, I would first recommend some configuration tweaks to Postfix to reject spam. A server I administer for the best website designers uses these (actually, we don't use checksenderaccess or rejectrblclient from that page) and we don't even bother with content scanning. Greylisting is the single most effective measure we use to avoid accepting spam. It does have a downside in that some incoming mail will be delayed.

And if you suspect other ports, try turning off the firewall completely to quickly rule out if it is a port blocking problem or not. That way you don't have to keep guessing ports and risk getting through a bunch only to realize it wasn't that at all.


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