/etc/init.d/apache2 start Fail

I installed debain 6 apache2 mysql php5 and everthing seemed to go well but I had problems with my database

so I started over and installed ubuntu 10.04 this time but now I cannot get apache to start.

I've done all the upgrades.

Can someone point me in the right direction?

4 Replies

Error messages? Contents of logs? Or shall we just stab about in the dark?

1) look in /var/log

2) drop relevant logs into http://p.linode.com

3) consult google

4) profit!


1) look in /var/log

2) drop relevant logs into http://p.linode.com

3) consult google

4) profit!

Thanks kbar

In the future, using apachectl -t will check the configuration files first so that you can avoid potential failures upon restart due to misconfiguration.


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