Spam coming in - Help required
Of late there has been lot of spam on my discussion board
I wish to know what kinds of security measures can be put in to place to prevent spam.
If I enable CAPTCHA verification or administrator approval before each post on the forum, it might demotivate many users from being active on the forum. Besides the flow of the deliberations will become slow.
So I wish to know a solution due to which the deliberations will not become slow and also the spam is warded off.
Further more the site is being monitored for 16 hours a day .It is not monitored at night .So if somebody posts at night he will have to wait for a long time before his posts appear on the forum. I have installed MOLLOM. The results have been good. It has blocked a lot of spam. However it deletes all the messages it suspects to be spam. I think it ought to go to the approval/moderation queue.
Even the posts which MOLLOM itself marks as HAM cannot be seen in moderation / approval queue. I gave my moderators deleting rights and I was under the impression that the posts they delete will go into the moderation/approval queue. However those posts are deleted for ever. Can anybody help me on this ? How to push the suspected posts in moderation/approval queue where I can have a look at them before deleting.
Has anybody used
My DRUPAL site (
Thanks in advance for all the help.
Veerendra Darakh
16 Replies
That way ZERO spam is published on the forum.
Yes, it does slow down dialog for new forum members, but did I mention the ZERO published spam factor?
We have enough moderators that the delay is rarely more then a few hours, and never more then 24hrs.
Before that, spam was a growing problem, no matter what type of captcha we tried.
I agree that depending on the burden of spam, more restrictive practices may be needed. I've personally had excellent success with Asirra ("kitten auth") on my wiki:
The problem with MOLLOM is the user has to fill up CAPTCHA once or twice before he can post and people do not have that much of time.
Thanks once again for all help,
Veerendra Darakh
Anyway - probably you can have a look at
- Will
Could somebody pls elaborate what is people sign and where can I find the PHP method ? Has anybody tried
Thanks in advance for all the responses.
Veerendra Darakh
Could somebody pls elaborate what is people sign and where can I find the PHP method ? Has anybody tried ? Which other good web security companies are available to reduce spam.
On my own blog, I just use a few simple math problems to prevent spam/robots/stupid people from commenting.
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Answer to nearest tenth of a degree per second 42~~