Scroll page in Lish Ajax Browser?

Is there any way to scroll up when using the Lish Ajax Browser? I've got a long list of data output I need to check, and I can't figure out how to scroll to see it. I'm stuck looking at the bottom visible part of the list only. Using Firefox.

5 Replies


Is there any way to scroll up when using the Lish Ajax Browser? I've got a long list of data output I need to check, and I can't figure out how to scroll to see it. I'm stuck looking at the bottom visible part of the list only. Using Firefox.

Is there no chance that you can just ssh to Lish instead of using the Ajax thing?

If that is an option it should make things easier for you…

Control-A, ESC will put you in scroll mode, then page up/down or arrow keys. This is standard screen session stuff.

Hope that helps,


I am using Glish in google chrome on Win 10.
Ctrl + A/ Ctrl + A , ESC/ Ctrl + A + ESC
None of these are putting me into scroll mode =[

I was lingering on this comment and wanted to figure out if i could scroll in Glish but it kept opening the Windows (gasp) start menu instead of scrolling like on the Weblish console. I threw this in:

root@localhost: screen

now CTRL+A+ESC works


EDIT: I am using firefox but maybe it works on chrome too…

CTRL+A+ESC doesn't work for me, it opens the windows start menu. :(


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