Ensim installation help.

hi caker

i was just wondering Ensim need a customised redhat 7.3 installation, if i want to try ensim on my linode, what should i do?


3 Replies

Try with the RedHat 8.0 image, maybe? I've never installed ensim, so I have no idea what hacks would be required to make it install onto RedHat 8…

I'll look into adding a small RedHat 7.3 image for you, but it might take me some time.



take you time, :wink:

Thanks in advance.


Try with the RedHat 8.0 image, maybe? I've never installed ensim, so I have no idea what hacks would be required to make it install onto RedHat 8…

Technically, yes you can install Ensim on RH8. But since Ensim is one of a kind that very strick with RH7.3. You need to do a LOT downgrade new packages with RH8 with an old RH7.3



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