Configure Wordpress to send e-mail for multiple domains?

I am hostin multiple Wordpress sites on my Linode and I would like to know the best, or at least a solid and recommended, way to configure the server to send e-mails out as needed. A number of the sites have a "Contact Us" type widget, and right now it just fails when folks click on the submit button.

Thanks - wg

3 Replies

apt-get install default-mta

Or, for a couple useful utilities as well,

apt-get install mailutils

Installed mail-utils with default configuration. Now getting this message:

" your host may have disabled the mail() function…"

There might be some PHP magic required to make that work… from what I gather, PHP's e-mail functionality is somewhat dismal. If you can do this:

echo "this is a test" | mail -s "test subject line"

… then the e-mail server itself is working. Try rebooting, just to be sure?


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