again, two n00b questiones

1. When a file download looks like failed (5k/sec), should i log out SSH and re download? i can't stop the process, so i would assume terminate the ssh section and login again is the only solution, but it's pretty troublesome.

what do you do normally for this kind of situation?

2. How do a uninstalled a already compiled source?

lik i installed the newest version,but i want to down grade later, how to do it?

thanks in advance.

2 Replies


1. When a file download looks like failed (5k/sec), should i log out SSH and re download? i can't stop the process, so i would assume terminate the ssh section and login again is the only solution, but it's pretty troublesome.

what do you do normally for this kind of situation?

I'm a little confused by what you are asking. Are you using scp to copy a file from your Linode? In this case you should just control-c cancel the scp command and try again. Are you using scp to copy a file to your Linode from somewhere else? In that case maybe the connection is just slow. You can control-c cancel the scp command if you want and try again. Or are you using some other program to download software while logged into your Linode using SSH, and that program's download is stalled? In that case, the SSH connection has nothing to do with it. Maybe the site that you are trying to download from is having issues. You don't need to restart your SSH session to fix any problem that might be occurring with some other random program.


2. How do a uninstalled a already compiled source?

lik i installed the newest version,but i want to down grade later, how to do it?

thanks in advance.

If you are using a package-based distribution (like RedHat or Debian), you can uninstall the package and re-install a lower-version-numbered package, assuming that the lower-version-numbered package has all if its dependencies satisfied by your system.

If you are using Gentoo, uninstall it and re-install a more reasonable distribution like RedHat or Debian. Seriously, there's no need for you to waste Linode cycles by re-compiling something that has already been compiled for you by the packager for a sensibly-set-up distribution (one based on binary packages).

That last comment is somewhat tongue-in-cheek. I don't really care for Gentoo and I think it is a big step backwards from the progress that was made when binary package distributions like RedHat and Debian came along. But I wouldn't prohibit anyone from using it, I would just discourage them. Which is what I am trying to do.

Just as a hint, you will want to post more specific questions if you want solutions to your actual problems, rather than guesses about what the problem might be.

Not to hijack this thread, but, well yeah to hijack it (or at least reply to bji's comment about Gentoo)

Yes, compiling the programs you need all the time is a pain, and is probably super annoying on a desktop system. But, I have found that on my server at least, I rarely do it (I mean, how often are you upgrading your software anyways… generally on a live server, only when necessary).

And the one major benefit to Gentoo I've found so far (other than the compile-time options, which is their main touted feature, and a good one at that) is the availability of packages. So far in setting up a web/mail/etc server, I have yet to find any package I wanted that wasn't available FROM Gentoo via emerge.

Can't say this about Debian (or even Fedora… the others I've used here). It's such a pain to have to search around to find what you need, and edit your sources.list or whatever and then make sure it's from a semi-trusted place, etc…

Anyway, again sorry for hijacking, just wanted to say that I don't believe the compiling is that big a deal (that is until glibc comes up!) It just doesn't happen for me that often.



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