Linode Longview beta!

Longview - Statistics Collection and Graphing Service

Introducing Longview

Longview is a system level statistics collection and graphing service, powered by the new Longview open source software agent that can be installed onto any Linux system. The Longview agent collects system statistics and sends them to us, where we store the data and present it in beautiful and meaningful ways.

Longview's features include:
* Compatibility with Linux-based operating systems, Linode and non-Linode.

  • An open-source software agent

  • Up-to-the-minute information about each system

  • Overview dashboard for all systems

  • Zoomable graphs with contextual tooltips

  • Overall stats for CPU, memory, disk IO, listening services, active connections, network transfer, system details, and more

  • Per-process statistics including process count, IO, memory, and CPU usage

  • Longview Pro includes unlimited data retention and up to 1 minute resolution

  • Longview Free includes 30 minutes of data retention and 5 minute resolution
    See our Linode Library article on Longview:

Here's an example overview page for a participating Linux box:

~~Longview Beta

We'd really love your feedback and help with putting this new service through its paces! And feel free to join the chat discussion via #linode-beta on

Are there any requirements to participate in the beta?

There are packaged version of the Longview agent available for Debian 6 and 7, Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, 12.04 LTS, 12.10, Fedora 17, and CentOS 6. A from-source install would require a Linux box running a 2.6 or later kernel and perl 5.10.0 or later.

Will I be a Free or Pro user during the beta?

We're testing both modes during the beta. You can use either one, completely free, throughout the beta.

How do I participate in the Longview beta?

Participating in the beta is free. Please open a ticket and we'll get you started.

If you have any questions or concerns, or bugs to report, we'd appreciate it if you'd not reply to this post, but instead open a "new topic" on this forum.~~

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