Boy these boards are quiet ...

You can practically hear crickets chirping. I have a feeling that this means that Linode is very solid now, and everyone's Linode is humming along happily. I know that mine is. Now if only I had another gig of disk space so I could run a Jedi Academy seige server …

Well with nothing else going on I'm gonna post my wishlist of very minor things that I would like to see from Linode:

1. Fix the Linode 96 graphic. Yeah, this one is really pedantic. But it irks me :) The Linode 96 graphic should be one-and-a-half boxes. Instead it's two boxes with the second one squished to half its size …

2. How about some photos of our Linodes in the data center? Is this even allowed by the data center? I'd like to be able to see what the host server for my Linode looks like …

3. mrtg graphs for everything, everything, everything (inluding but not limited to: cpu load on the host servers, network traffic on the host servers, network traffic on individual linodes (yeah I know I could set up the latter myself but … I'm too lazy))

4. Local mirrors of debian, redhat, etc packages

5. Linode 32, for those of us who are really cheap :)

Anyone else have any minor details they'd like to see ironed out?

13 Replies

I'd suggest having full-size images available in the Linode Platform Manager Demo. The professional look of the Linode CP can only help to sell it to people, so it'd be nice if they could see what they'd be getting…

Just a useless post to say all has been fantastic recently (not that it has ever been any poorer than this!) :)

Linode Staff


Now if only I had another gig of disk space so I could run a Jedi Academy seige server …
Done :)


1. Fix the Linode 96 graphic. Yeah, this one is really pedantic. But it irks me :) The Linode 96 graphic should be one-and-a-half boxes. Instead it's two boxes with the second one squished to half its size …
I'm so glad someone noticed that. I hated it too, but it was a quick fix and quickly forgotten about. I made the half-graphic a few days ago – should look better now :)


Linode Staff


I'd suggest having full-size images available in the Linode Platform Manager Demo. The professional look of the Linode CP can only help to sell it to people, so it'd be nice if they could see what they'd be getting…
I'll be doing this soon… I'd like to redo the entire 'demo' section, so we'll see what I come up with…




I'd suggest having full-size images available in the Linode Platform Manager Demo. The professional look of the Linode CP can only help to sell it to people, so it'd be nice if they could see what they'd be getting…
I'll be doing this soon… I'd like to redo the entire 'demo' section, so we'll see what I come up with…


The only reason I signed up with you tonight is that it looked like you had a decent inteface for managing the UML servers. I looked at a bunch of other VPS/UML hosts but they either looked like crap and/or charge for Cpanel. I'm glad the interface has been so easy to use so far. If I would have know it was this easy I would have signed up days ago.



2. How about some photos of our Linodes in the data center? Is this even allowed by the data center? I'd like to be able to see what the host server for my Linode looks like …

Yes! Please! I've been pushing for this in #linode for some time! Pretty pretty please.

That'd be the ultimate in geek pr0n. :-)

+1 for photos of our Linodes. I could link to it from my website and go: "This site is running here –> "-photo- :-)

Unfortunately most datacenters seem to have a "no photography" rule. Eventually this'll become an impossible/impractical policy, since we'll all have recording devices built into our heads or something.

How about a satellite photo from Google Maps ? Which of the Planet datacenters are we in ? Anyone know the ZIP code ?


How about a satellite photo from Google Maps ? Which of the Planet datacenters are we in ? Anyone know the ZIP code ?
The one in Dallas. :lol:

Actually, the Linodes are located in both Dallas, TX (The Planet) and Fremont, CA (Hurricane Electric). There are generic pictures from the Fremont datacenter, though.

Which of The Planet's two datacenters in Dallas we're in, is unknown to us mortals.



How about a satellite photo from Google Maps ? Which of the Planet datacenters are we in ? Anyone know the ZIP code ?
The one in Dallas. :lol:

Actually, the Linodes are located in both Dallas, TX (The Planet) and Fremont, CA (Hurricane Electric). There are generic pictures from the Fremont datacenter, though.

Which of The Planet's two datacenters in Dallas we're in, is unknown to us mortals.
A little investigative boredom:

According to network.cfm, above, the The Planet datacenter used (or at least the one displayed in the info) is DLLSTX2.

I went to the The Planet website (, clicked on Facilites and found out that DLLSTX2 is located on Stemmons Freeway, in Dallas. (I drive by there quite often, actually.)

So, doing a search on Google Maps for The Planet Datacenter, Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, TX, I get this:

Google Maps of DLLSTX2 and Center 2

That's right… unimpressive.

(PS. I'm pretty sure the grey building is Center 1 and the light beige is Center 2)

Just to say mines running pretty good too. No issues for a few months already really. :P


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