Does resizing a disk image using Linode Manager delete data?

Hey Guys,

Currently on a 512 Linode during development, but will likely be moving to a 1024 Linode when we go live. My question is, can I resize my disk image using the 'Edit Disk Image' page without deleting any of the data currently on the image? I will be increasing the size, but it would be good to know what happens if downsizing too.



9 Replies

Downsizing will fail if there isn't enough free space to shrink the image

Thanks XReaper. So if I increase the image size from ~20gb to ~40gb, I won't lose the data on it?



Thanks XReaper. So if I increase the image size from ~20gb to ~40gb, I won't lose the data on it?


nope. not at all. have done it many times.

Awesome thanks. Just did it and worked a treat. So easy!

Still, make sure you have a backup, just in case something goes wrong during the resize!

Also, I don't remember if Linode forces you to shut down your server or does it automatically, but to be safe, I'd recommend manually shutting down your server (in addition to backup, etc.) before resizing it.


Also, I don't remember if Linode forces you to shut down your server or does it automatically, but to be safe, I'd recommend manually shutting down your server (in addition to backup, etc.) before resizing it.
Linode won't let you resize a running disk image. I don't remember if the resizer will shut the node down for you or if it just errors out and tells you to do it, though.

Just tried. It will try to resize it, but then it will give an error in the host job queue: > Linode must be shut down before resize

I had to use this feature recently in an emergency situation… I went in all cavalier to upgrade my distro and didn't do the proper research, completely borked my ubuntu… ended up with the wrong kernel running for all the lib… So I still had all my data and config files intact, here's what I did…

I shrunk the main partition

create a new one from the empty space and installed new ubuntu, while making the new drive the boot drive.

mounted old drive to the new OS and copied all configuration and data across

I've yet to kill the old partition for fear there's still data I need there (but is is not mounted), but when I do I can resize my new partition and get all my space back.

Good to know if somebody finds themselves in the same troublesome situation.


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