Longview Apt Repo

Seems the apt repo is having problems

W: Failed to fetch http://apt-longview.linode.com/dists/debian/main/binary-amd64/Packages 404 Not Found [IP: 80]

W: Failed to fetch http://apt-longview.linode.com/dists/debian/main/binary-i386/Packages 404 Not Found [IP: 80]

Anyone else?

5 Replies

No problems with the repo here but I was getting 502s all night yesterday when trying to set the service up, maybe they've been actively making changes to the configuration.

gparent: yep! We were testing maintenance mode, sorry!

purewhite: not sure! Gonna check with my partner in crime since he's the repo guy. In the meantime, feel free to join in #linode-beta for some real-time talk about Longview

purewhite: where'd you get the URL from? My partner confirmed: I think you want:

http://apt-longview.linode.com/dists/sq … 6/Packages">http://apt-longview.linode.com/dists/squeeze/main/binary-i386/Packages

Looks like you've got a stray "debian" in there!


gparent: yep! We were testing maintenance mode, sorry!

Thanks for the info! Spamming the shit out of the URL eventually made it work, but I feel even better knowing it was you guys breaking it and not a bug ;)


purewhite: where'd you get the URL from? My partner confirmed: I think you want:

http://apt-longview.linode.com/dists/sq … 6/Packages">http://apt-longview.linode.com/dists/squeeze/main/binary-i386/Packages

Looks like you've got a stray "debian" in there!

Hm yeah I missed that. I can confirm I have "squeeze" here as well.

Yep! Hopefully future maintenance will be much more obvious, particularly since the testing was to make sure it's painfully obvious in the LM. :)


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