Free disk?

I have an old account from 2004 which has been grandfathered into the "+10Gb disk" configuration because I pay yearly.

Question: If I ordered a 2nd linode would I get the same bonus disk, or would I be limited to the base 24G?

7 Replies

I would open a ticket and ask, I am sure you would get a reply in minutes by linode staff.

Nodes currently on the 50% extra disk bonus package can keep it, but it's not offered for new nodes anymore. (Instead you get a 10% discount, or 15% if you pay for 2 years.)

It's not an account-wide setting.

Also, if you switch an old node to a different billing package, you can't switch back.

Edit: You can't get it back if you delete the node, either. (No clever new-node-swap-IPs-upgrades for you!)


Nodes currently on the 50% extra disk bonus package can keep it
Note it doesn't seem to be 50% any more. When we went from 20G to 24G the bonus didn't increase in line, so I've only got 34G and the package is now described as "Linode 1024 & 10 GB Disk FREE"


Note it doesn't seem to be 50% any more. When we went from 20G to 24G the bonus didn't increase in line, so I've only got 34G and the package is now described as "Linode 1024 & 10 GB Disk FREE"
Yeah, that's true. I'm too tired to get out a calculator and work out what percentage it actually is now, though. :P


I would open a ticket and ask, I am sure you would get a reply in minutes by linode staff.
This isn't urgent enough to warrant a ticket, and since this is the "Sales Questions and Answers" area I was hoping some Linode staff would poke their head in and give a authoritative response :-)



I would open a ticket and ask, I am sure you would get a reply in minutes by linode staff.
This isn't urgent enough to warrant a ticket, and since this is the "Sales Questions and Answers" area I was hoping some Linode staff would poke their head in and give a authoritative response :-)
In the end I had to open a ticket. As others have stated, above, new nodes get 10% discount for yearly pay; they don't get the option of free disk. I guess I won't cancel my other provider's VM, then. That 10G of disk is worth more to me than 512Mb of RAM :-)

Following the comments to this announcement from 2008 (and as I recall it), the bonus disk space is no longer offered: … discounts/">

As I understand it, if your account had been grandfathered into keeping pre-existing bonus disk space on your Linode, but that bonus will only apply to that specific Linode server, and not any other Linode servers that happen to be in the same account. The bonus disk space would also be removed once you change to a different payment plan.

Two of my Linode servers were created before this change, and since I've kept them on the annual payment, I'll keep that extra disk space. When I set up a third Linode server, I didn't get that extra disk space, but I did get a 10% discount for paying annually on that server.


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