From RHEL 6 to RHEL 7 with a yum update

There are rumors that says the we can upgrade from RHEL 6 to RHEL 7 with a simple

yum update without any needs of a fresh install.

Is there some official statement on this?

I would like to have more info on this.

Since I use CentOS instead of RHEL I think that I need to wait RHEL6.5 before thinking on RHEL7,

but some info would be appreciated.

6 Replies

An official statement would have to come from RedHat, not Linode. I can't find any official statement from RedHat on the matter either.


An official statement would have to come from RedHat, not Linode. I can't find any official statement from RedHat on the matter either.

Probably I'm not explained myself well,

I'm searching for someone who have seen an official statement from RHEL :)

Thanks for the reply.

Seems unlikely.

All previous version updates required a fresh install.


Seems unlikely.

All previous version updates required a fresh install.

from what I heard, no need for fresh install will be a "new feature".

I imagine this can't be answered until RHEL 7 and its documentation are actually released (later this year?).

In place upgrade from 6 to 7 is indeed a rumored feature: … techtarget">


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