Move email coming from my router to a specific folder.


I use postfix, amavisd and dovecot.

Is there a way to detect the email coming from my router and move them automatically to a specific folder?

Detect the subject of the email, the sender, the recipient, doesn't matter what we can detect,

the important things is that I can detect the email coming from router and move them to a folder.

What is the right way to do it?

3 Replies

You can pipe emails to a script and do what ever you want. You need to create an email where the router sends the email to.

Here is an example I Googled: … eives-mail">

Dovecote Sieve filtering - or for Dovecot 2.x.


Dovecote Sieve filtering - or for Dovecot 2.x.

I think that this is what I will choose, I will start studying this plugin, I will keep you posted.

The problem is, does CentOS 6.4 dovecot default package supports this plugin?

I don't think so…


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