Is it possible to schedule a resize of a Linode or image?

The middle of the night is the best time for me to shutdown my Linodes, as they are web hosting servers (if you host websites you know customers will expect the impossible 100% uptime).

But to resize the Linode you have to shut it down. It means I am very reluctant to resize my Linodes. I have a couple now I would like to upgrade, but can never fit in the time, I am not doing it in the middle of the day and I am in bed at 11pm at night, there is no suitable time.

So cant these resizings be scheduled at all? It would be ideal if the reboot associated with it can send some alert that the reboot failed, I suppose Lassie would take care of that, so we can arrange alerts in the middle of the night in case it fails. I really only need to be present if they fail, and most/all cases they dont.

I just had to reboot a Linode now for an upgrade, took 10 minutes, yet I still need to resize the disk image which means even more downtime so I am not prepared to do that again right now, and have to wait.


9 Replies

The API also lets you resize Linodes and their disks.

I guess I would have to write my own scripts to do that? Wonder if anyone has already written some and made available.

This is something you should be around for, in case something breaks on the boot after the resize, like I mentioned in reply to your post about rebooting :). Growing a disk image takes 10 minutes max most of the time, so do it just before going to sleep.


Family commitments make it difficult to do these things late at night.

Instead I can configure SMS alerts to alert me when things go wrong in the middle of the night. Things probably wont go wrong that often so it means most of the time I get some sleep. Sometimes a disk image resize takes ages, I dont want to be hanging around for it at 3am, its the reboot process thats important, to make sure it comes up, so I can get alerts if that fails.

If the sites are business hours dependant you could do it on a weekend. Otherwise you can risk scripting it or hire someone else to do it for you.

No, family commitments on weekend (i really need to spend less time working out of work hours), even weekend day downtime is bad, ecommerce sites and all that. probably wont be giving my linode logins to anyone else either!


probably wont be giving my linode logins to anyone else either!
In the linode manager you can actually create separate users by clicking on the "Account" tab and then the "Users and Permissions" tab so technically you don't have to give out your logins to any one, but you would have to find someone that you trust.

I would suggest looking at your traffic (assuming you have something like Google Analytics) and see what days/hours have the fewest people connecting to your site, then put up a notice scheduling the down time. Like dwfreed said, the resizing of a disk image usually takes about 10 minutes and is fairly painless.

Good luck and hopefully you find a chance to grow your Linodes!

Its a web hosting server and will have many websites on it so checking analytics would take a while, but target market is a UK majority, so middle of the night would be lowest traffic. I don't really want to give anyone access and I don't want to manually do it, hence the question.

So I guess the answer is no its no possible to schedule Linode resizes unless I develop something myself using the API.

Don't automate it. There is a chance for it to fail. Just like dwfreed adviced, do it yourself so you can watch out for any possible problems.


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