Potential New User...Questions.

I am considering Linode for hosting a video conferencing site.

What are the things I should be concerned with using Linode?

Also, the website is pretty ambiguous to say the least. Took

me way too long to find the pricing plans.

And under Linode 4GB, what exactly is the 8TB Transfer? Is that

a day? A week? A month?

Thanks and appreciate your response.


3 Replies

Glad you were able to find the plans and pricing! :)

The transfer is per month. Incoming traffic is not counted toward the limit.


Glad you were able to find the plans and pricing! :)

The transfer is per month. Incoming traffic is not counted toward the limit.

Thanks for the quick reply.



Also, the website is pretty ambiguous to say the least. Took

me way too long to find the pricing plans.
Yes those sneaky Linode bastards, hiding the pricing on the very front page of their domain - what were they thinking???


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