The Linode main page has gone foo fooey, fix ASAP please?!?

The main Linode page which was simple and clean now looks like it was designed by a kid in elementary school. It has too many pastel colors and way too much scrolling, it destroys Linode's image.

5 Replies

I'm sorry to hear that pastel colours offend you. I <3 the new design, and the folks that made it have put serious thought, time, and effort into making it great.

  • Les


I'm sorry to hear that pastel colours offend you. I <3 the new design, and the folks that made it have put serious thought, time, and effort into making it great.

  • Les

Good deal, how about Caker?

I do miss the Community page, which had the overview of the newest forum posts on the right sidebar, however besides that I'm quite liking the new layout. I approve :)

I like it. it's simple but complete.


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