Specialty requirements due to my disability

hello I am disabled and use speech recognition software to type as a result while I am quite proficient in my Linux server administration I prefer a gui as typing commands exactly how they should be worded is problematic for me you offer any templates with xfce preinstalled with vnc preinstalled am also very comfortable managing Windows based server however due to the extra resources required to run Windows server I would like to avoid it thank you for taking the time to answer my question kind regards Paul

ps I am well aware that this is an unmanaged provider once the GUI is installed on the server as I stated before I am very confident when it comes to Linux administrations I simply have difficulty typing in the commands due to my dependency on speech recognition software As such require xfce and vnc to be installed on my server is it possible to create a custom template on my behalf once this is done I am pretty self-sufficient

1 Reply

Linode doesn't offer any graphic environments by default, but you can install a desktop environment, and then use Glish to work with it:

https://www.linode.com/docs/networking/ … ell-glish/">https://www.linode.com/docs/networking/use-the-graphic-shell-glish/

What distribution do you prefer? I can make an unofficial StackScript that installs Xfce on deployment and share it with you.

P.S. If you think you can navigate the terminal minimally, you can install the environment yourself. If running ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop

There are similar packages for other distros.


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