Store 70 GB hard drive for quick future use

Linode Staff

I have this machine running, but i want to take it down for some time, 1-3 months. Is it possible to make a full snapshop or something of the server with all content of it, so it just will be plug and play when i need to start the server and service again? The hard drive is 70GB.

1 Reply

Hey there,

Thanks for reaching out to us. You have a few options.

  1. Store a local copy
  2. Store a copy on a BlockStorage drive

If you want to store it on a BlockStorage drive this would cost about $7/month since we charge $.1/GB/Month. You can directly boot your BlockStorage drive with your Linode for future use.

Copy you Current Disk to a BlockStorage drive.

  1. First attach the Block Storage drive to to /dev/sdc in your Configuration Profile
  2. Boot into Rescue Mode
  3. Then you need to enter the following command to copy the drive over:

pv -pte < /dev/sda > /dev/sdc

  1. After the disk is done copying the files you can detach the BlockStorage drive then delete the Linode.
  2. When you are ready you can directly boot the Linode or copy the file back over to the new hard drive.

Copy the BlockStorage drive to the new drive

Just follow steps 1-3. You can use the same command as before just make sure that the BlockStorage drive is attached to /dev/sda and the new drive is attached to /dev/sdc.

After you copy reattach the new hard drive to /dev/sda verify the Linode boots up then delete the BlockStorage.


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