How do I log in via Putty or Web Terminal (Access denied)


I am having difficulty logging in with the proper credentials to my own ubuntu 19 Linode I spun up recently.

I have tried the following :
Putty (from windows)

I have tried default logins such as :
and two user accounts I have made within the linode admin web portal

I know this may seem like a noob question but I am a noob to this platform. I was not able to find any tutorials or proper solutions to this problem.

I have tried the instructions from both links provided and to no avail

I made one more user with a really simple password and I was still unable to log in.

Logging in a server is one of the basic functions that any end user should have no problems with figuring this out. I would greatly appreciate it if I could receive some assistance on this basic function.

Thanks for your time

7 Replies

Perhaps I should try a different platform. I do not think linode is for me. To be honest, I am a bit disappointed. I did not expect to spend so much time on such a basic issue.

I have already removed the linode from my account and will close the account. I do not want this company to keep charging me for a server I do not have access to.

I may just go to AWS and call it a day.

In the future, please revise or improve the use-case workflow on how new users create accounts and log in.


@justingtest To log into your Linode from putty, you’ll need to enter in your IP address into the host name or IP address box. The IP address will be a number that’s something like (your IP address will be different)

Port number should be 22 and you should have ssh selected.

Click the open button and you should be greeted with a dialog box. Just click yes.

If everything thing is correct and your linode is running you should see a terminal window.

Your user name by default will be root and whatever password you setup.

Any questions just ask.

Edit: If you delete your linode, then you’re only charged for the time it was setup; which is hourly.

Linode won’t charge you otherwise.

@justingtest I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble accessing your Linode! I'd be happy to provide you with instructions for how to do this from our Lish web console and using Putty. When logging in through the web console, the first prompt is login which will be your username.

You can also reach out to Linode Support directly by opening a ticket from within Cloud Manager or by phone 24/7 for urgent assistance.

Thank you @rdaniels and @LouWestin for your response.

I was able troubleshoot this issue by stopping the linode service, changing the root password to something simple, and then restarting it again. After the restart, I attempted to log in as root and was able to successfully connect.

Now the other 2 users I created, I am still unable to ssh using those user account credentials even after a restart.

Am I supposed to create users within this nix environment or should the accounts I made within lindode be able to connect via ssh also?

I would like to have a non-root like user to log in via ssh other than root

@justingtest The Limited User section of our Securing Your Server guide goes over how to add additional users within the Linux server itself. The commands you use are dependent on the distribution running on your Linode.

These limited users will be separate from the users that are created within your Cloud Manager account.

Additional Resources

I know this is late by 2 years :) but in case anyone else is having this difficulty (especially newbies)

Please do not copy and paste full ssh Access credentials as provided by linode into putty e.g. ssh root@123.456.789.10

what you need to do is

  1. Enter only the hostname/ip address e.g 123.456.789.10
  2. Set the port to 22
  3. Connection type SSH

Once done click "Open"

In terminal screen login as: root
password: as created in linode

This should get you in.

Enter only the hostname/ip address e.g 123.456.789.10

Just FYI, this is an invalid IP address. Each of the numbers between the dots cannot be greater than 255.

I know it was given as an example but SOMEONE out there will take your example literally and use this as their IP address…

-- sw


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