How do I change my ip address for my Linode?

My linode get ip banned from YouTube because of youtube_dl
so I want to register a new ip for my linode.

4 Replies

So you would like to get a new IP address, get that one banned, then get another, and another, and go through every linode ip address until they are all banned?

@pickaxe828 - we've seen some issues with other folks having YouTube block/embed issues over the last year or so. There is a pretty lengthy discussion in this other Community post documenting the problems: Anybody else having problems with YouTube's API for oEmbed data?

And another one here with more info about the status of the issue: YouTube Embed Issues in London and Atlanta

If you want to try out another IP on your own, you can actually transfer IPs between Linodes located in the same data center. Here's our guide on how to perform an IP transfer: Remote Access: Transferring IP Addresses

@pickaxe828 --

I have to agree with @crashbunny on this one. Just getting a new IP address so Google can ban it too is not a solution. You need to figure out why Google banned you from YouTube and stop doing that™. You need to proactively take steps so that the current ban is removed and never reinstated.

@jdutton… Linode should take note of the customer's stated intent here. This is not good for anyone.

-- sw

P.S. I don't work for Linode.

@pickaxe828 Feel free to open a Support ticket if you you have any account specific questions. The Community Questions site is a great place to ask for help with internal configuration issues. That being said, it does sound like your issue is different than the one we previously linked you as it involves youtube_dl. The below Github issue may provide you with some troubleshooting steps and solutions.

@stevewi I've double-checked and we have confirmed and resolved the YouTube embed issue. We haven't received any additional reports of this problem at this time.


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