China access to USA ip

We are suddenly having an issue with China users accessing our ip address. For 10 years no problems and suddenly access to the main sever went down, then the staging server a day or 2 later. It is just developer trying to access the server for work. Any one else suddenly see restrictions or issues?

2 Replies

My (uneducated) guess is that this situation was probably caused by the Chinese government. They are extremely capricious and unpredictable about this. The Party Congress has been in session recently so the clamp-downs have probably been more restrictive than usual lately.

This can easily be remedied by using SOCKS5 or a VPN (which you probably should have been using all along given China's penchant for spying and stealing trade secrets).

-- sw

@aisleiq If you are experiencing issues because of China block IP addresses, you may find some additional option in the following Community Questions post as well.

My Linode's IP address has been blocked in my country. What can I do?


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