✓ Solved


I'm in rehab until the first, please don't erase the files on my linode.

8 Replies

✓ Best Answer

Please recover it.

We will be able to best help you if you request a payment extension by opening a ticket on your account or by calling us (if able):

  • +1 (855) 454-6633 (North America toll-free)
  • +1 (609) 380-7100 (International)

I've paid, but please don't erase my files, I don't remember the glish password I know the login is Linrevival81, is there any way you can tell me it? I will not be home until around the first of the month.

If you're all paid up then your services will not be cancelled.

If you're having trouble logging in, you can follow these instructions to reset the root password on your instance. We do not have access to your passwords or configurations and wouldn't share them here if we did.

If you have any other account specific questions, we suggest opening a ticket or reaching out via email to support@linode.com.

You already removed it. I sent you a ticket 6 days ago. Why?

Please recover my linode, I put over a year of work into it. I asked you guys not to remove it because I won't be home until the 1st, and I'm up to date with my payments.

If you paid your invoice and you haven't received any TOS violation tickets, it's unlikely that your services were removed. Since we can't get into account specifics on the Community Site I strongly suggest you open a ticket through Cloud Manager to get a clear picture of what the issue could be.

For example, what I've seen in the past is customer's having 2 or more separate accounts linked to the same email address with different usernames and services on those accounts. Then, they will get those accounts mixed up and think something has been deleted when, in fact, it is just on the other account.

I can't say for sure if this what's happening in your case but this has happened to others in the past.

I don't have more than one account linked. I specifically asked not to remove my service because I was out of town and I'm having an issue with my password which I can't resolve until I'm home. I can't even submit a cloud manager ticket because the linode is gone…….


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