Phishing Emails Targeting Linode Customers and Non-Customers

Linode Staff

We have recently been made aware of a set of phishing emails circulating to customers as well as non-customers. These emails appear to be sent from Linode and reference declined payments. This correspondence did not originate from Linode, nor did Linode authorize its creation or distribution, and we are working to stop these emails from being sent by this unauthorized 3rd party.

If you receive an email referencing a declined payment, please do not click any of the links. Instead, navigate to your Cloud Manager account and check your account balance status from there. You are also welcome to contact Linode Support if you would like to confirm your account status.

In the event that you logged into the link in the email, we recommend changing your Linode login information immediately:

Reset Password

If you believe your Linodes may have been compromised, you should also reset their root passwords:

Reset Linode Root Passwords

We also recommend that you consider enabling 2FA for an additional layer of security:

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

We are working to prevent these phishing campaigns from recurring in the future. Information about how we are working to further secure our platform in relation to these phishing emails can be found in the following Community threads:

Spear Phishing Email

Phishing Warning

If you'd like to send along full email headers for any phishing email received, they can be sent via ticket or to

4 Replies

I and my office manager received multiple phishing and false login e-mails over the last two weeks, so they're still coming out.

One tell that these were fake, was that the email referenced Centos as the Linode's OS while we use a different distro.

So please be careful out there, they're still coming in.



@lsproductions We have taken steps to mitigate the ability to perform these attacks. Would you mind sending us the headers and raw message from the emails you are referencing? You can use the email address below, and we'll take a closer look.


Well, it's gotten worse for me.. I have two linodes and both are sending all my clients phishing emails referencing linode non payment. I'm bombarded with these on a regular basis.

What can I or y'all do to reduce these phishing emails?

@thx2012 If I understand you correctly, your Linodes are sending phishing emails? If this is the case, it sounds like they have been compromised. If you believe this is to b true, I recommend reviewing the below Community site post to investigate your Linodes.

In regards to what Linode is doing, we are aware of these recent phishing attempts and our Trust and Safety team is currently looking into them. You can pass along the raw message and headers to This will help with our investigation.


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