✓ Solved

Can I SSH to access a currently-running Minecraft server console?

Originally, I SSH'd into the server from my Linux terminal and then started the MC server from there. Once I closed my terminal though, the MC server stopped as well.

I then instead opened the LISH console on the website and turned the MC server on which then continued to run after I closed the LISH console, but I'd like to be able to access the currently running MC server through SSH on my desktop so I can do things such as whitelists without having to open the website and heading over to the LISH console.

How can I achieve this? I'm not at all experienced with SSH. I should also mention that I setup the Minecraft server myself and not using the "Minecraft Java Edition" app on the Marketplace. It's running Debian 11 and my desktop is running Fedora 37.

1 Reply

✓ Best Answer

You can install either tmux or screen, two window managers for the console. For tmux, once you run a command, you can use CTRL+B, then D, to detach from the session, then you can log out while your program continues to run in the tmux session. To reattach to it, you can log into your Linode through SSH or any other means you prefer, then type the command
tmux attach

This should achieve what you're looking for. Good luck.



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