✓ Solved

Running different live youtube streams at the same time.

So I am trying to run different live streams at the same time , lets say 3 different streams for now and the 3 streams will be streaming 1 video each for 24/7. Video 1 is 67GB, Video 2 is 23GB and video 3 is 39 GB.

I watched a video on Youtube for running a live stream 24/7 and they recommended Ant media server community edition and I think that's the one I will go with however I can't figure out if for example I'd need to create one 8GB server that has 4 CPUs or for example 3 smaller ones or 3 8GB servers I don't know will the one 8GB server be able to run 3 seperate streams at the same time or will I need to do 1 stream at each server can anyone help me with what server size would I need to do such a thing please thank you!

2 Replies

✓ Best Answer

The best thing to do in this situation is to test it out. We mention in our Ant Media documentation:

"Recommended plan: 8GB Dedicated CPU Instance or higher"

I'm not an expert, but your use case seems like it might fall into the "or higher" bucket.

The good news is it's very easy to upgrade your plan to a larger size if you find the 8GB plan doesn't have enough resources.

You also asked,

"I don't know will the one 8GB server be able to run 3 seperate streams at the same time"

I believe so, but again, this is something you may want to test out. Alternatively, you can create a new issue on the Ant Media Discussion GitHub page to get in touch with some folks who have a more experience with the service.

Great thank you I am running the 8Gb server right now I do however have a problem which I will write a new question about in the community forum here.


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