Linode T-Shirts?

Would you buy one?

How about linode stickers, Coffee mugs?

18 Replies

If the shirts had funny quotes I might, or if a special one said "I fail!" because I well, fail!

When and where can I order these? :-)

I wouldn't, but mainly because I work for the parent company of a major competitor. I'm sure they'd love me walking around with a Linode t-shirt on.

@mwalling: Are these official stuff?

My new thong is in the mail. Thanks!


Are these official stuff?

Here you'll find Caker giving out that link.


My new thong is in the mail. Thanks!

The Linode Thong, guaranteeing a minimum of 1/40th of (&(#&((U#EJ(AGEO


I heard caker tested all of the merchandise……including the thong….


I heard caker tested all of the merchandise……including the thong….
Now that's an image that I didn't need burned into my mind's eye :shock:

Better then Mike…

Sorry Mike <3

I still don't see the linode Stubby Holder!

What about a Linode spork? Eh? Eh?

I was going to paint my car to be the Linodemobile, but then I didn't.

linode shirts are cool but pricey.

one shirt could get you a 1 month on 360. hekhek.


Better then Mike…

Sorry Mike <3

This isn't funny because Mike actually wears a Linode thong.

Yes! I would totally buy one

And I'd love Linode stickers for my laptop!!!

@tcarnell Gonna drop this right here for you:


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