Does Linode provide addressing through DHCP?

The reason I ask this is I found the following running on my PC. Now I never installed a dhcp client myself. Why might this be running?

Do I need to be concerned by logs like:

os -ef

root 19792 1 0 Aug06 ? 00:00:00 /bin/dhclient -1 -q -lf dhclient/dhclient-eth0.leases -pf /usrx/runx/ eth0

So our IP addresses are not static? but also do not change is that right?

Can anyone confirm this?

3 Replies

Default solution is DHCP. Linode addresses do not change and you can assign them statically if you wish. See this thread.

> Linode addresses do not change

Unless you move to a different datacenter.

The best reasons for using DHCP is so you don't have to do manual work when you clone your linode or move it to another data centre.


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