End of the backup beta program?


I must admit to a slight feeling of excitement at the closure of a recent support ticket. For some reason the backups had failed every day for a month on one of my linodes so I'd passed it on to the team as a test case.

Got this reply today:

"The backup beta program has closed. Thank you for your participation and feedback"

I can't see any confirmation of this on the Linode announcements page, but I can only assume that the end of the beta program means that Linode is moving into a production release of the backup service.

Better news than that from Cupertino the other week…..


22 Replies

We can hope they closed the beta program because they got the bugs worked out and didn't just give up on it.

I seem to remember quite a few people posting recent problems with the current backup system. It seems a bit worrisome that it might have moved into production without addressing those reports. They might have been dealt with outside the forum and everything is working perfect now.

Better to pull the plug if it just ain't working, than leave it in perpetual, broken "beta".


Better to pull the plug if it just ain't working, than leave it in perpetual, broken "beta".
Well, you'll never be an internet billionaire with an attitude like that :-)

Depends on the value of "broken". :-)


Depends on the value of "broken". :-)

The backup beta is still working on Fremont

All of my backup jobs on my Dallas linode are failing.

Last good backup was on 2010-01-29.

Tossing my hat in the back up is broken ring. I am on the Newark server.

I have no single successful backup of my Linode so far.

It would be nice to get a meaningful error message (e.g. "backup server is down" or "service is offline for maintenance" or "network error, errno=111") rather than simple "failed" status.

Automatic and on-demand snapshot backups continue to work fine for me in Fremont. I think I've seen one failed backup in 5 or 6 months of use.

It would be great to know more about the future of the backup program though…


It would be great to know more about the future of the backup program though…

Sorry to resurrect an oldish thread, but I too would like to know what is the future of the backup program, is it on the horizon or has it been aborted?

@Mr Nod:

Sorry to resurrect an oldish thread, but I too would like to know what is the future of the backup program, is it on the horizon or has it been aborted?
It doesn't seem to have been aborted – or retried. I think it's being ignored.

Not at all. We're this –><-- close :). Stay tuned!



Not at all. We're this –><-- close :). Stay tuned!


Will it actually work?


Will it actually work?
No, is it supposed to?


From Backups tab (Newark DC):

> Backups

Backups have been temporarily disabled for this Linode.

Backups will resume after we make some infrastructure changes. We hope to have an announcement regarding the backup service shortly.

Not sure how long it's been there since I just check periodically…I still see this blurb as progress!


Very exciting news that backups are very close. Is there any sort of indication of pricing?

Not specific amounts - I know you can't say definitely, but ball-park figures would be useful please.

A ballpark estimate of when this will be available would also be very helpful.

Are we looking at days, weeks, months…more than 6 months?



A ballpark estimate of when this will be available would also be very helpful.

Are we looking at days, weeks, months…more than 6 months?

Thanks! As with anything Linode related, it will be available when it is ready


"As with anything Linode related, it will be available when it is ready

Yeah thanks I'm aware of that. However since Chris said it's "this close" it's not unreasonable for people enquire about the service.

Ballparks are very helpful for us folks who are planning projects and dealing with clients/bosses. It would be much appreciated. Especially if they are this –><--- close.


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