Anyone setup Asterisk recently?

I'd like to run Asterisk on Linode, but I'm concerned with how well it will work and what it takes to run (out of the ordinary). I found the guide "Deploy VoIP Services with Asterisk and FreePBX on Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic)" but that's from quite a few versions ago. Has anyone done anything more recently? Is it still a special setup? Is there a better guide?

11 Replies


I just finished a asterisk 1.8 setup with freepbx 2.9. It went really smoothly, and is working well about a week later. The only thing that is out of the ordinary is getting the DAHDI modules to compile. It was a little more of a challenge than normal as I used debian, and freepbx doesn't completely like that without a little work.

In the past I have managed to get trixbox running on linode by setting up a web repo and booting with pv-grub. This would probably work for the current distro's as well.

I didn't use any guide for this as I have done many asterisk installs, If you can give me a bit more info on the configuration your wanting I may be able to give you some pointers.



I'd like to run Asterisk on Linode, but I'm concerned with how well it will work and what it takes to run (out of the ordinary). I found the guide "Deploy VoIP Services with Asterisk and FreePBX on Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic)" but that's from quite a few versions ago. Has anyone done anything more recently? Is it still a special setup? Is there a better guide?



I didn't use any guide for this as I have done many asterisk installs, If you can give me a bit more info on the configuration your wanting I may be able to give you some pointers.


Much appreciated. I was planning on using Ubuntu 11.04 and going with the repo package (1.8.9 I think). I've installed Asterisk a number of times, but never on a VM/VPS. I was planning to run with something like Flowroute for SIP trunk, and some Cisco SIP phones connecting remotely.

If your planning on using meetme you will need to compile the dahdi modules, this can either be done against the kernel source using Linodes kernels, or you can use pv-grub to run the distro's kernels. I used PV-grub.

It should work out well for you. I am using the repo from digium for asterisk on debian.

Are you planning to use freepbx or all manual configs?


If your planning on using meetme you will need to compile the dahdi modules, this can either be done against the kernel source using Linodes kernels, or you can use pv-grub to run the distro's kernels. I used PV-grub.

Ok, Good to know. I'm going to try using ConfBridge instead of MeetMe since that's the new hotness (at least in A10). Since that's written into core asterisk, it does't need DADHI (at least that is my understanding).


Are you planning to use freepbx or all manual configs?

All Manual Baby! (Sadly I've done this enough times that I basically think in extension.conf terms everytime I call someone else with a phone system)

Its not that I don't understand the extensions.conf file. Its that I have to build systems that the end user can modify, and until I write my own webgui. its freepbx for most systems I make.

I have not done anything with 10. yet. Good luck, I don't think you will have any problems on here. We have had really good luck so far. :)

Let me know how it goes.


All Manual Baby! (Sadly I've done this enough times that I basically think in extension.conf terms everytime I call someone else with a phone system)

ShakataGaNai, did you or anyone else get ConfBridge working or Asterisk 10 (or 11) working? Can anyone comment on voice quality in general and/or voice quality with MeetMe or ConfBridge when using Asterisk on a Linode VS?

I have not worked with asterisk on linodes recently, but a friend who has states the following:

> The voice quality is fine. I've had 50 calls at the same time on a 512 linode and no issues to speak of. Confbridge was introduced in 1.8 and its feature set is pretty much the same as meetme. The one huge advantage of Confbridge over Meetme is that Dahdi is not required, which is a major advantage for obvious reasons.

I run a call termination company using Asterisk and we were using Linodes as part of our backup plan, it turns out that they work as well as our physical servers and we're strongly considering making Linode the prime provider and keeping the physical servers as the backup site.

I've had no issues with call quality or performance.


Can Linode with (""share"" cpu plan) installed with Ubuntu support Asterisk?

My installation and configuration go smooth until I do the final

"sudo asterisk -r"

which shows thousands and thousands of connection requests and connection rejects on the terminals. I observed those call numbers and IP addresses are not from my clients actually and suspect these are "spam" or legit call request from other "share" host users.

Not sure what goes wrong and appreciate if anyone with prior experience can give me some points or hints.

Thank you
This is the first time I

which shows thousands and thousands of connection requests and connection rejects on the terminals. I observed those call numbers and IP addresses are not from my clients actually and suspect these are "spam" or legit call request from other "share" host users.

Welcome to the open internet! As soon as you bring up a new Linode, the brute force attacks from China & Russia start almost immediately. There's nothing Linode or any of us can do to help you fend off these attacks. You need to install a firewall…and learn how to use it.

-- sw

Thanks. I will implement something to reject this connections on another layer to ensure the security.

Thank you



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