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Request for help on custom distro (SME Server)

Hi all,

I've read the custom distro parts on the wiki and other sources, but need some help.

I would like to create a linode custom distro of SME Server (contribs.org)

It's an 'all in one' easy to use distro based on Centos (7.4=Centos4, 8.0Beta5=Centos5)

The main problem I encounter is the, by default, usage of LVM, whilst the wiki and other linode How-To's cover 1 partition, EXTx only.

I'm not the average tech, but would love to have a possibility to have a SME Server Linode, and I guess many of the thousands of users of SME Server too.

Anybody got some spare time or looking for a challenge?

Thanks anyway for reading and giving it some thought!



3 Replies

It's not going to be easy. SME default install not only uses LVM, but also RAID (If you have only one disk, you still get a RAID 1 array, but it has the second disk marked as 'out of service').

Hi Peter,

I've installed SME Server with the 'nolvm' option and have identiefied the Raid status with mdstat.

I've copied (dd) over the boot partition to my Linode, I now need to dd over the data partition (2.5Gb)

So LVM can be overcome with 'nolvm' and Raid by using the mdstat info.

Want to give it a try?




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