Can't send/receive messages with postfix


Recently I faced a problem with sending/receiving messages with postfix which based on Debian 7.8.

I already tried this ( … -and-mysql"> and this ( … -and-mysql"> ).

1. I sent a message to from

2. Logs /var/log/mail.log

3. Later received: Delivery Status Notification (Delay)

4. And this: Delivery Notification: Delivery has timed out and failed

Do you have any ideas about issue?

Thank you for help!

8 Replies

I would try adding to the config file and see what happens.


I would try adding to the config file and see what happens.
Sorry? What you mean? Could you please explain?

It means you forgot to paste your /etc/postfix/ file.


It means you forgot to paste your /etc/postfix/ file.
Please follow this link:

Actually it means you replaced your real details with NICKNAME and DOMAIN which make it harder for people to diagnose.


Actually it means you replaced your real details with NICKNAME and DOMAIN which make it harder for people to diagnose.
There are only *** which hide real domain name in my pastebin logs



Actually it means you replaced your real details with NICKNAME and DOMAIN which make it harder for people to diagnose.
There are only *** which hide real domain name in my pastebin logs

Ok, so:


Actually it means you replaced your real details with *** and *** which make it harder for people to diagnose.

The issue remains the same.


There are only *** which hide real domain name in my pastebin logs
If we can't connect to your server to find out what's wrong, we can't help you. It's a publically accessible server. Why the secrecy?


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