Gentoo Image - kind of large?

Doesn't 900MB seem kind of large for the basic Gentoo installation? I've installed it on a couple of my own machines, from the docs on the web site, and, from what I remember, the default installation was pretty sparse.

Also, are people basically emerging binary files here? Or, actually compiling?

2 Replies

Linode Staff


Doesn't 900MB seem kind of large for the basic Gentoo installation? I've installed it on a couple of my own machines, from the docs on the web site, and, from what I remember, the default installation was pretty sparse.
From my most-recent announcement regarding Gentoo:

> The minimum image size is now 900 MB, but the FS actually has only 750 MB used with a full /usr/portage sync. I ran into the "maximum number of files" limit with the image less than 900 MB.
I could fix this by converting the disk image to use a 1k block size, but at that time I didn't want to since I was waiting for feature of UML which was going to improve disk performance and required 4k BS (but now is moot).

Does ~750meg actual used space sound a little more reasonable?


I didn't really understand about minimum image size. I am new at this Linode thing!

I am going to go ahead and install it, then check out some of the emerged packages and see if I can prune away some of the bloat.


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