Why have my phpMyAdmin creds changed?

I just logged into Linode and clicked the "free upgrade" button.

Now, my entire site is down. Visiting a page produces simply the error "Connection object not created" without any other color.

Attempting to login to www.roqbox.com/phpmyadmin with previously known-good credentials is now failing.

What has happened?!? How do I get my site back online?

1 Reply

Hey there,

So there can be a few reasons you have encountered this. The "Free Upgrade" button would have powered the Linode down, migrated the Linode to a new host within the same datacenter, then booted the Linode back up. As far as the Linode's operating system is concerned, this would have acted as a reboot.

It is possible the Linode had updates queued that only processed due to the reboot. It may be possible some of the updates might have prevented some of the services from properly coming up. I would recommend taking a look at the Linode's boot records to see if there was anything that failed to come back up.

Another possibility I have encountered is that there may be an issue with a full disk. You can investigate whether or not the disk is full by running the following commands:

df -h
df -i

I hope this helps point you in the right direction!



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