Rolling outage this morning from center to center

Linodes in Freemont started to lose connectivity around 3am MST/10am UTC, up and down over the next couple ours finally seem to be stable around 5-5:30am. MST/11:30UTC Now see Newark down with the same type of outage, no network access, yet you can access via the dash panels. they went down around around 6am (also MST) and are going the through the same issues? is vague as to what the issues are. Looks like London started it off, then Freemont and now Newark.

Curious if this is actually a DDOS or if there is some sort of emergency network work being done. None of the multiple linodes at the various centers have had any reboots.

4 Replies

I'm experiencing the same - three Linodes at Newark are unreachable.

Looks like I should not have kept my eggs (servers) in one basket (datacenter). This seems to be happening with more frequency lately. This is the third time this year and in all the years I have been with Linode, I have never seen it this bad. Time to move at least one of my servers to another datacenter.

Why isn't a company like linode investing in ddos mitigation and hardware in their network.


Why isn't a company like linode investing in ddos mitigation and hardware in their network.

"Layer 3 and 4 attacks are difficult—if not impossible—to mitigate with an on-premise solution. If an attacker can send more traffic than a network link can handle, no amount of additional hardware resources will help to mitigate such an attack."


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