Dallas down, again :(

3 times since Christmas Day. Terrible timing too, I'm expecting a large surge in traffic due to a news story any day now…

Sure wish Linode supported migrating to a different datacenter while being permitted to keep your IPs!

9 Replies


3 times since Christmas Day. Terrible timing too, I'm expecting a large surge in traffic due to a news story any day now…

Make it four. On the Linode web site home page is the claim: "99.99% uptime guaranteed

Once your server's up, keep it up. We guarantee a 99.99% uptime for server availability."

.001% downtime out of 31 days is just under 45 minutes, and Dallas hasn't even come close. Does anyone know where I get my December bill reimbursed?


Does anyone know where I get my December bill reimbursed?

Open a ticket

London's been hit pretty badly too..it's down again now, as is Atlanta according to status.linode.com

We've come to expect much better from linode

This is very disappointing. I cannot believe that they seem to be helpless against these alleged attacks.

If it can happen to the DoD it can happen to anyone……


London's been hit pretty badly too..it's down again now, as is Atlanta according to status.linode.com

We've come to expect much better from linode

Yep I'm experiencing repeated problems with London this past week or so. It's never been like this in all the years I've been with Linode. It's disappointing.

London down 2 hours and counting after 4 hours down earlier in the week. I've not seen this before with Linode so am prepared to be patient for the moment. But it would be good to hear from Linode with more detailed explanations and assurances.

Just wanted to say to all the guys at Linode, thanks for all your hard work over the past few days, mitigating the "attacks".

I run an application over multiple data centres and the downtime helped me re-architect my application to be better and more resilient than it was before. The downtime might have sucked for some of you but it really helped me.

Happy new year and keep up the good work!

I am happy to see the update from Art on status.linode.com providing some insight into the situation.


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