
Installed Windows10 on Linode as per instructions here: …">

Issue is that Windows sees 8 processors but the task manager only shows 2 processors with 2 sockets. How can I get Windows to recognize and use all 8 ?

Anyone have any ideas?


5 Replies


Installed Windows10 on Linode as per instructions here: …">

Issue is that Windows sees 8 processors but the task manager only shows 2 processors with 2 sockets. How can I get Windows to recognize and use all 8 ?

Anyone have any ideas?


What size linode do you have? ie should it have 2 CPUs (4GB linode) or 8 CPUs (24GB linode)?

Linode 24576 (current plan)

8 cores 384 Gig

Windows 10 only supports 2 sockets. The linode's been configured as 8 sockets with 1 core each, rather than 1 socket with 8 cores. You'd have to ask support if they're willing to reconfigure the image to change this.

Support can't, and it probably won't happen anyway, as Windows is not officially supported by Linode.


Support can't, and it probably won't happen anyway, as the Extenze stuff Windows is not officially supported by Linode.

Fair enough. Are there any other options?


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