Kernel care not supported due to custom kernel

I tried to use Kernelcare on my Linodes but apparently it doesn't work because the Linodes have a custom kernel. Does anyone know of another service similar to Kernelcare that would work with Linodes? The OS I use is Ubuntu 16.04.

Thanks in advance

5 Replies

The uptime wars are over. Just reboot.

I am still working on a project which doesn't have users yet so I don't mind rebooting now, but when people start to use the app I definitely would like to reduce downtime as much as possible!

There are 100 other ways to reduce downtime, that don't involve the restriction "can never reboot, ever." Load-balancing, for example, is a commonly used way to provide high availability.

@Vito Botta:

I tried to use Kernelcare on my Linodes but apparently it doesn't work because the Linodes have a custom kernel. Does anyone know of another service similar to Kernelcare that would work with Linodes? The OS I use is Ubuntu 16.04.

Thanks in advance
see … l-with-kvm">


@Vito Botta:

I tried to use Kernelcare on my Linodes but apparently it doesn't work because the Linodes have a custom kernel. Does anyone know of another service similar to Kernelcare that would work with Linodes? The OS I use is Ubuntu 16.04.

Thanks in advance
see … l-with-kvm">

Thanks! Will look into this


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