theplanet's IP listed in spam database


I have been using Linode since November 2003.

The IP I have been using has been listed as a SPAM source since June 2003.

Here is some of the's DNSBL info:

Results: Positive=2, Negative=28 (2004-08-14 10:41:19 UTC)


FIVETEN/ added 2003-06-21;

called theplanet +1-214-782-7802 - abuse person never returned the call; added 2003-06-28;

called theplanet +1-214-782-7802 - told them about the SBL and SPEWS listings;

added 2004-06-14;

My mail server is closed to spam since its setup but it is listed as spam source.

It seems that ThePlanet is not doing anything to remove its IPs from Spam lists.

Can Linode help on this issue?

Thanks in advance,


2 Replies



If blars is the only one it is listed on I would not worry to much.

It has to be one of the worst lists out there and anyone that uses it really is just petty.

An extract from there site.

> In general, an entire netblock is added rather than just a single IP or customer of a larger ISP. (For example, if hugeisp has a /16 that they allocate a single /24 to spamcustomer, the /16 will be listed rather than just the /24.) An entire ISP may be added if they show a pattern of rejecting valid spam complaints for invalid reasons

It is also nearly impossible to get delisted.


I've followed up on this with ThePlanet on two occasions. Early this year/late last year, ThePlanet hired a new "abuse" person, who supposedly is more on top of things, but, I believe in general it's hard to get off that list.

I haven't heard of this one listing causing anyone problems.



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