✓ Solved

How can I transfer a Linode from one account to another account?

Linode Staff

I need to transfer the ownership of a Linode from one account to another account. What needs to be done in order to accomplish this?

11 Replies

✓ Best Answer


You can now transfer ownership of Linodes using the Service Transfer feature in Cloud Manager, accessible from Account > Service Transfers.

Check out the guide on How to Transfer Ownership of Linode Services with Service Transfers for more details.

To transfer a Linode from one account to another, you need to open support tickets from both accounts that are involved in the transfer.

On the support ticket from the account sending the Linode, simply state the following or something very similar:

"I would like to transfer the Linode (please include Linode ID) to the account (receiving account)."

Then, on the account that the Linode is being transferred to, open a support ticket and state the following.

"I would like to receive the transfer of (Linode ID) from (sending account)"

Once Linode support has both of these tickets then they can transfer the Linode.

Please be aware that Linodes transferred into Managed services accounts will be responsible for the additional $100/Linode/month and Linodes transferred out of Managed Services will lose their cPanel License. Their Backups and LongView Pro will also become paid services.

Make sure you specify if you want attached services sent as well, such as Backups, NodeBalancers, or LongView clients. Orphaned add-ons will be lost. Don't forget to transfer any needed DNS Domain Zones.

Both tickets should name exactly the same items.

Is the transfer performed without restart or service interruptions?

@fabioin, Yes! The transfer of a Linode from one account to another will not have any type of service interruption. It is quite painless. :)

I have multiple linodes with backup and volumes attachedc to some. How much time would it take after I raise the ticket from both accounts?

How can i transfer selected multiple Linodes to an another account? Are there any cost, risk and service interruption involved in the process?

@anish1993 and @thinkcubelk The transfer is instant once it is initiated from our end. No down time or additional cost is required for this. You can request the transfer of multiple Linodes using the same instructions @mauterson laid out in the above answer. Please, make sure to review @hphillips caveats in regards to any possible risk, and how you can avoid them.

As always, you can open a Support ticket from within Cloud Manager for any account specific question, and to request the transfer.

Can i close a linode and transfer the credit to another account ?

Yes, you can transfer credit from one account to another. To do that, please open a ticket from both the sending and receiving accounts that give the amount you'd like transferred. Once we have both of those tickets opened, we can make that transfer for you.

Please use the same format in the tickets that you would use for transferring a Linode.

From the sending account:

"Please transfer (amount of credit) from this account to the account (receiving account."

From the receiving account:

"I would like to receive the transfer of (amount of credit) from (sending account)."


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