Best VPS for JSP and Tomcat+

I would like to resell custom Linode VPS with Tomcat its extra goodies preinstalled (JBOSS, Catalina, Struts..). However I would like to know, from your experience, what are the best plans for that purpose.

8 Replies

I have JBoss 4.01 on a Linode 128 with the sun JVM 1.5, using Tomcat 5, and several other non-java server proccesses. I tweaked JBoss and JVM settings a bit to work with the reduced memory. I have a few web apps running. Response time is pretty good for web access. Startup time and compile time for JSPs/webapps are kinda long, but once everything gets going that's not really a problem. Jboss is too slow on a Linode 64 to be useful, but you could probably tweak a standalone Tomcat to run on a 64.

Actually I'm using the 1.4.2 JVM, 1.5 had problems with JBoss.

Kiomava, would it be possible to post the instructions you followed on getting JBoss running on your slice? Are you running under Ubuntu or another Distro?

Thanks in advance for taking the time to share.


I have JBoss 4.01 on a Linode 128 with the sun JVM 1.5, using Tomcat 5, and several other non-java server proccesses. I tweaked JBoss and JVM settings a bit to work with the reduced memory. I have a few web apps running. Response time is pretty good for web access. Startup time and compile time for JSPs/webapps are kinda long, but once everything gets going that's not really a problem. Jboss is too slow on a Linode 64 to be useful, but you could probably tweak a standalone Tomcat to run on a 64.

Linode 128???

Am I wrong or now the smallest linode is linode 360?

Do you bought a linode 128 many times ago and they leave it to 128 at the same old price?


Linode 128???

Am I wrong or now the smallest linode is linode 360?

Do you bought a linode 128 many times ago and they leave it to 128 at the same old price?

The post you're responding to is from 2005. Back then, a 128 existed.



Linode 128???

Am I wrong or now the smallest linode is linode 360?

Do you bought a linode 128 many times ago and they leave it to 128 at the same old price?

The post you're responding to is from 2005. Back then, a 128 existed.

How is the policy here?

Now I bought a 360 at 20$ month,

next year (or in two,three ecc. years) probably linode 360 will be dismissed…

I will continue to pay 20$ for the new configuration or it will cost more?

Historically you keep paying the same amount, and your linode just keeps getting better and better over time. All you need to do is reboot to take advantage of more memory/disk.

Here is some history:


Historically you keep paying the same amount, and your linode just keeps getting better and better over time. All you need to do is reboot to take advantage of more memory/disk.

Here is some history:



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